Face Care, Sprekenhus
Alexander Sprekenhus om anti-oxidanter
Oxidation occurs daily as part of the metabolism and is an important part of the overall health. Men oksideringsprosessen frigør også frie radikaler, som kan skade friske celler. Free radicals increase in number after the skin is exposed to UVA and UVB rays, contamination or when the skin gets small damage. We become more receptive to them if we are stressed, smoker, eat poorly or not get enough rest.
All our products contain plenty of natural ingredients that are full of anti-oxidants. Disse neutraliserer fri radikaler.
Antioxidants are also found in a variety of foods. Antioxidantant polyphenoler findes i kaffe, chokolade, rødvin, soja, oregano og olivenolie. Flavonoider findes i te, citrus, løg og æble, og løgopen i tomater og grapefrugter. Addition of antioxidants is also recommended to strengthen the skin. A-, C- og E-vitaminer tages let op i huden og bidrager til at reparere og beskytte overfladeceller. Magnesiumaskorbylfosfat, et derivat af det vandløselige C-vitamin, hjælper med at beskytte huden mod miljøskader ved at reducere dannelsen af frie radikaler.